The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) is the government agency responsible for maintaining registers of drivers and vehicles, and collecting car tax (also known as vehicle excise duty).
The Motor Insurance Bureau (MIB) is a private company who work to compensate the victims of negligent, uninsured and untraced motorists. Every insurance company underwriting compulsory motor insurance is obliged, by virtue of the Road Traffic Act 1988, to be a member of the MIB and to contribute to its funding.
The role of the Department for Transport (DfT) is to determine overall transport strategy and to manage relationships with other agencies. The department works across the transport sector including regional, local and private sector partners to deliver its services.
The Driving Standards Agency (DSA) is an executive agency (a government department separately managed and budgeted) of the Department for Transport (DfT). Its vision is 'Safe Driving for Life', and it looks to deliver this through testing of both theoretical and practical aspects of driving, and maintenance of a good standard of driving instruction.
The Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA) is a non-departmental public body. It provides a range of licensing, testing and enforcement services with the aim of improving the roadworthiness standard of vehicles, ensuring the compliance of operators and drivers.
Euro NCAP provides motoring consumers with a realistic and independent assessment of the safety performance of some of the most popular cars sold in Europe. Established in 1997, Euro NCAP has encouraged significant safety improvements to new car design.
The Motor Insurance Repair Research Centre, or Thatcham as it is widely known, is a not-for-profit organisation that carries out research targeted at containing or reducing the cost of motor insurance claims, whilst maintaining safety and quality standards. It is best known for the testing of vehicle security systems and testing of seats for whiplash prevention.
With over 92,000 members the British Motorcyclists Federation (BMF) is Britain's largest and most influential rider group. Its aim is to promote and protect the interests of the road rider by representing riders' interests.